All About Tinctures

What is a tincture? Fresh or dried plant material dissolved in alcohol. The length of time the plant material dissolves and how long it remains in alcohol is a personal preference. My preference is to allow all tinctures to dissolve and remain fully submerged in 100 proof alcohol for 6-8 weeks. This timeframe allows for all medicinal qualities to properly extract.

Tinctures enter your bloodstream quicker, are convenient, and packed with tons of medicinal qualities. All tinctures provided will only be single herb tinctures in order to maintain the efficacy of the herb being tinctured while considering the composition of the human body. I am an advocate for listening to your body as it tells you what it needs. When ingesting anything sit with it pay attention to how you feel. I’m often asked if i will make tinctures for children (not dissolved in 100 proof alcohol)? The answer unfortunately is no, not at this time.

Most children’s tinctures are dissolved in glycerin which in short is a type of sugar alcohol. This sugar has been noted and documented to have more calories than white sugar. From a scientific perspective i could see how something such as this could compromise the integrity of the plant, which i am never willing to do. There are several child friendly herbs that can easily be ingested in many forms other than a tincture. When medicine is involved we should meet children where they are and incorporate things such as popsicles, herbal teas, and baths just to name a few.

Start out with a few tinctures and work your way up. Find what works best for you!



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